Thursday, October 10, 2013

Great Black and White Photographers part 3

1. What first caught my eye with the black and white pictures was that they were all pictures of nature, and beautiful pictures of waterfalls.
2. I see the sun reflecting off of the calm surface of the lake, and the mountains on the other side. I can see the rainbow created by the mist of the waterfall and the suns rays coming into contact.
I can smell the relaxing scent of flowers and water. I can smell that smell after a rain storm.
I can feel the sun on my neck as I pose for the picture. I can feel the mist coming off the waterfall.
I can hear the deafening sound of the waterfall as it crashes into the river. I can hear the relaxing sound of birds singing and crickets chirping as the calm waves of the water hit into sandy shores surrounding the lake.
3. I think i would make posters and hang them up around the school, for the whole school to see and admire.

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